This is my first Marathon map, and it's also a Forged map. I'm not a spazeroid, and I'm not technically a Vidmaster, but I'm considered "Marathon Elite" by most of my online, Marathon-playing, friends (on AOL).
So, for AOL's stupid rules, here's the-
REQUIRED Marathon Description:
Game Type : MARATHON by Bungie Software
Version(s) Supported : Infinity
File Type (choose one) : Map
Single Player : Yes, but pointless
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, untested
Network 2-8 Player : Yes, untested
Number of Teams in Game : 1
Difficulty Level : TC, what else is there?
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : Forge, ResEdit, SimpleText
Build time : 3 days
Known Bugs/Problems : "Bugs" and "Forge" don't belong in the same universe.
The Story (if any):
Narrative Description: This is a cool map. Definately not the coolest, it's actually pretty simple and basic, but it's got lots of weapons, power-ups, and those nasty Bobs to kill.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Go ahead, do whatever you want with this. But DON'T include it in any scenario without my permission.